
Monday Jun 18, 2018
Monday Jun 18, 2018
While there remains some uncertainty about how forthcoming cryptocurrency and virtual currency regulations will shake out, “cryptocurrency is here to stay,” said Jason Huang, CEO of graphics card giant NVIDIA during a recent CNBC Mad Money interview. Factors sustaining this looming permanency include the need more than 2 billion people worldwide who are unbanked have for financial services — 15.6 million of those individuals in the United States, according to MoneyGram. ATMs offering cryptocurrencies such as bitcoin (Crypto: BTC) are rapidly emerging as an alternative banking paradigm, but only around half of the bitcoin ATMs support altcoins such as litecoin (Crypto: LTC) or ethereum (Crypto: ETH). There is substantial opportunity here for developers such as Virtual Crypto Technologies Inc. (VRCP), with its cryptocurrency transaction validation and ATM/POS (point of sale) offerings. Naturally, opportunity also encompasses risk for payment-processing tech developers such as PayPal Holdings, Inc. (PYPL), Square, Inc. (SQ)and Green Dot Corp. (GDOT), or blockchain developers such as financial services industry heavy-hitter Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc. (BR).